17. Phase transitions in a three-dimensional partially disordered and frustrated Ising crystal
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18. Critical properties of a simple cubic fully frustrated Ising lattice by Monte Carlo method
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19. Linear-chain-like excitations in a three-dimensional Ising lattice with frustration: Monte Carlo simulations
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20. Spin ordering in a random antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin system: Numerical simulation
A. Ghazali, Hung T. Diep
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21. Simple cubic fully frustrated Ising crystal by Monte Carlo simulations
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22. Theoretical study of the elastic constants of calcite at the transition calcite I-calcite II
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23. A fully frustrated simple cubic lattice with XY and Heisenberg spins: ground state and phase transition
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24. Configuration space analysis for fully frustrated vector spins
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26. Co-existence conditions for adsorbate and surface-localized states in finite tight-binding chain
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27. Phase transition of a three-dimensional Ising magnet with finite zero-point entropy
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31. Elementary excitations and phase transition in uniformly frustrated Heisenberg spin systems
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32. Three-dimensional dilute Ising antiferromagnets in a field: tricritical point and next-nexrest neighbors
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33. Coexistence of order and disorder and reentrance in an exactly solvable model
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34. Tricritical point in dilute Ising antiferromagnets in magnetic field
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35. Unusual finite size effects on critical temperature in fcc Ising antiferromagnet
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36. Critical properties of helimagnets
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37. Phase diagram of dilute Ising antiferromagnets
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38. First-Order Transition, Multicriticality and Re-entrance in a b.c.c. Lattice with Ising Spins
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39. Non universal Ising-like transition in two-dimensional XY spin systems induced by external magnetic field
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41. Continuous versus first-order transition in dilute Ising antiferromagnet in a field
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42. Magnetic transitions in Helimagnets
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43. Low-temperature properties of quantum Heisenberg helimagnets
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46. Effects of quantum fluctuations in antiferromagnetic superlattices at low temperatures
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47. Theory of antiferromagnetic superlattices at finite temperatures
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48. Theory of antiferromagnetic multilayers with quantum Heisenberg spins
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49. Quantum Effects in Antiferromagnetic Thin Films
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50. Quantum Effect on magnetization near the surface at low temperature in an antiferromagnetic thin film
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51. Exact solution of an anisotropic centered honeycomb Ising lattice: Reentrance and Partial Disorder
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52. Exact Phase Diagram in a generalized Kagomé Ising lattice: Reentrance and Disorder Lines
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53. First-Order Transition in the hexagonal-close-packed lattice with vector spins
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54. Low-temperature quantum behavior of antiferromagnetic simple cubic thin films
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55. Reentrance and Disorder Solutions in Exactly Solvable Ising Models
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56. Elementary Excitations and Magnetic Properties of Heisenberg stacked antiferromagnetic triangular thin film
D. Loison, H.T. Diep
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57. Magnetic properties of quantum Heisenberg bi-layers at finite temperatures
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58. Localized spin-waves in perpendicularly magnetized ultrathin exchange coupled ferromagnetic bilayer films
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59. Successive Reentrances and Phase Transitions in exactly solved dilute centered square Ising lattices
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60. Monte Carlo study of magnetic phase transitions in a model for FeCl2
Laura Hernández, H. T. Diep, D. Bertrand
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61. Critical Behavior of an FeBr2 Model, a Monte Carlo Study
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62. First-Order Transition in antiferromagnetic stacked triangular lattices with vector spins
D. Loison, H. T. Diep
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63. Histogram Monte Carlo Study of Next-Nearest-Neighbor Ising Antiferromagnet on a stacked triangular lattice
M. L. Plumer, A. Mailhot, R. Ducharme, A. Caillé, H. T. Diep
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64. Strange Behavior of Correlation Functions for Antiferromagnetic Ising Model of Infinite Spin on Triangular Lattice
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65. Critical Behavior of an FexMg1-xCl2 model: Pure metamagnetic to random field behavior
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66. Spin Structure of the Antiferromagnetic continuous-spin Ising Model on a Triangular Lattices
O. Nagai, M. Kang, T. Horiguchi, H.T. Diep
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67. Anisotropic antiferromagnetic XY-model of classical Heisenberg spins on triangular lattice
Tsuyoshi Horiguchi, Damien Loison, Hung T. Diep, Ojiro Nagai
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68. Polaronic Effects induced by Electron-Phonon Intereaction in Multi-band Hubbard Model for Cuprate Superconductors
A. Dobry, A. Greco, J. Lorenzana, J. Riera and H. T. Diep
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69. Monte Carlo histogram calculation of the critical exponents of an FexMg1-xCl2 Ising Model
Laura Hernández, H. T. Diep
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70. Antiferromagnetic Stacked Triangular Lattices with Heisenberg Spins: Phase Transition and Effect of next-nearest-neighbor interaction
D. Loison and H. T. Diep
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71. Phase Transition in a System of Interacting Triads
H. T. Diep and D. Loison
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