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73. Structure and melting behavior of lead monolayer adsorbed on a copper substrate

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74. Phase diagram in stacked antiferromagnetic XY triangular lattices: Effect of Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interaction

E. H. Boubcheur, D. Loison, and H. T. Diep

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75. Evidence of a Partial Disorder in a Frustrated Heisenberg System

C. Santamaria, H. T. Diep

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76. Magnetic Properties of Ferrimagnets

R. Quartu, H.T. Diep

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77. Existence of a tricritical point at finite field in the Random-Field Ising Model

Laura Hernández and H. T. Diep

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81. Frustration effect in a quantum Heisenberg Spin System

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82. Non collinear XY spin system: First-order transition and evidence of a reentrance

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83. Effect of competing interactions on the critical behavior of FeCl2

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84. Phase Transition and Phase Diagram of the J1-J2 Heisenberg model on a simple cubic lattice

C. Pinettes and H. T. Diep

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87. Phase transition in a general continuous Ising model with long-range interactions

E. Bayong, H. T. Diep, T. T. Truong

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88. Effect of elastic interaction on critical behavior of three-dimensional Ising model

E. H. Boubcheur, H. T. Diep

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89. Effects of frustrated disorder on criticality of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model

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94. Potts model with algebraically decaying interactions in two dimensions

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95. Phase Transition of Potts model on a frustrated 3D lattice

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96. Effect of Magnetoelastic Interactions on the Phase Transition of 2D Ising Spin System

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97. Critical behaviour of frustrated systems: Monte Carlo simulations versus Renormalization Group

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99. Random-bond and random-anisotropy-field effects in the phase diagram of the Blume-Capel model

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100. Monte Carlo simulation of the role of defects as a melting mechanism

L. Gomez, A. Dobry and H. T. Diep

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101. Temperature-induced magnetization reorientation in arrays of magnetic dots on a magnetic substrate

C. Santamaria and H. T. Diep

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102. Monte-Carlo study of surface-frustrated Heisenberg thin films with magneto-elastic coupling: an off-lattice model

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103. First-order transition of tethered membranes in three-dimensional space

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104. Field effects on the magnetic properties of three-layer films

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105. Dislocation Lines as the Precursor of the Melting of Crystalline Solids Observed in Monte Carlo Simulations

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106. Magnetic Properties of Exchange-Biased Three-Layer Films in a perpendicular Magnetic Field

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107. Reexamination of the long-range Potts model: A multicanonical approach

S. Reynal and H. T. Diep

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108. Q-state Potts model with power-law decaying interactions: along the tricritical line

S. Reynal and H. T. Diep

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