109. Fast Flat-Histogram Method for Generalized Spin Models
S. Reynal and H. T. Diep
Phys. Rev. E 72, 056710 (2005). 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.056710.
110. Hybrid Multicanonical Cluster Algotithm for Efficient Simulations of Long-Range Spin Models
S. Reynal and H. T. Diep
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111. Effects of Frustrated Surface in Heisenberg Thin Films
V. Thanh Ngo and H. T. Diep
Phys. Rev. B 75, 035412 (2007). 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.035412.
112. Frustration Effects in Antiferromagnetic FCC Heisenberg Films
V. Thanh Ngo and H. T. Diep
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 19, 386202 (2007). 10.1088/0953-8984/19/38/386202.
113. Spin Transport in Magnetic Multilayers
K. Akabli, H. T. Diep and S. Reynal
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114. Stacked Triangular XY Antiferromagnets: End of a Controversial Issue on the Phase Transition
V. Thanh Ngo and H. T. Diep
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115. Effect of Ferromagnetic Ordering and Phase Transition on the Resistivity of Spin Current
K. Akabli and H. T. Diep
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116. Potts–percolation–Gauss model of a solid
Miron Kaufman and H. T. Diep
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 075222 (2008). 10.1088/0953-8984/20/7/075222.
117. Temperature Dependence of the Spin Resistivity in Ferromagnetic Thin Films: Monte Carlo Simulations
K. Akabli and H. T. Diep
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118. Dipolar Surface Pinning and Spin-Wave Modes vs. Lateral Surface Dimensions in Thin Films
H. Puszkarski, M. Krawczyk and H. T. Diep
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119. Phase Transition in Heisenberg Stacked Triangular Antiferromagnets: End of a Controversy
V. Thanh Ngo and H. T. Diep
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120. Critical Behavior of Magnetic Thin Films
X. T. Pham Phu, V. Thanh Ngo and H. T. Diep
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121. Cross-Over from First- to Second-Order Transition in Frustrated Ising Antiferromagnetic Films
X. T. Pham Phu, V. Thanh Ngo and H. T. Diep
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122. Extended Defects in Potts-Percolation Model of a Solid: Renormalization Group and Monte Carlo Analysis
H. T. Diep and Miron Kaufman
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123. Theoretical Study of XMCD Spectra for Field-Induced Valence Transition in Eu compounds
Masataka Oko, Kozo Okada, Isao Harada, Khalid Akabli and Hung The Diep
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124. First-Order Transition in XY Fully Frustrated Simple Cubic Lattice
V. Thanh Ngo, D. Tien Hoang and H. T. Diep
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125. Monte Carlo Study of the Spin Transport in Magnetic Materials
Y. Magnin, K. Akabli, H. T. Diep and I. Harada
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126. Spin Resistivity in Frustrated Antiferromagnets
Y. Magnin, K. Akabli and H. T. Diep
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127. Theory and Simulation of Spin Transport in Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors: Application to MnTe
K. Akabli, Y. Magnin, M. Oko, I. Harada and H. T. Diep
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128. Spin Resistivity in the Frustrated J1-J2 Model
Danh-Tai Hoang, Yann Magnin and H. T. Diep
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129. Phase Transition in Heisenberg Fully Frustrated Simple Cubic Lattice
V. Thanh Ngo, D. Tien Hoang and H. T. Diep
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130. Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems: Effect of the Lattice Relaxation Time
Yann Magnin, Danh-Tai Hoang and H. T. Diep
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131. Flat Energy-Histogram Simulation of the Phase Transition in an Ising Fully Frustrated Lattice
V. Thanh Ngo, D. Tien Hoang and H. T. Diep
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132. Equation of State from the Potts-Percolation Model of a Solid
Miron Kaufman and H. T. Diep
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133. Monte Carlo Study of Magnetic Resistivity in Semiconducting MnTe
Yann Magnin and H. T. Diep
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134. Spin Resistivity in Magnetic Materials
H. T. Diep, Yann Magnin and Danh-Tai Hoang
Acta Physica Polonica A 121, 985 (2012). 10.12693/APhysPolA.121.985.
135. Effect of Dipolar Interaction in Molecular Crystals
Danh-Tai Hoang and H. T. Diep
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 415402 (2012). 10.1088/0953-8984/24/41/415402.
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136. Hexagonal-Close-Packed Lattice: Ground State and Phase Transition
Danh-Tai Hoang and H. T. Diep
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137. Re-orientation Transition in Molecular Thin Films: Potts Model with Dipolar Interaction
Danh-Tai Hoang, Maciej Kasperski, H. Puszkarski, and H. T. Diep
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 056006 (2013). 10.1088/0953-8984/25/5/056006.
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138. Melting of Rare-Gas Crystals: Monte Carlo Simulation versus Experiments
Virgile Bocchetti and H. T. Diep
J. Chem. Phys. 138, 104122 (2013). 10.1063/1.4794916.
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139. Monte Carlo Simulation of Melting and Lattice Relaxation of the (111) Surface of Silver
Virgile Bocchetti and H. T. Diep
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140. Magnetic Properties of Two-dimensional Nanodots: Ground State and Phase Transition
Maciej Kasperski, H. Puszkarski, Danh-Tai Hoang and H. T. Diep
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141. Phase Transition in Dimer Liquids
Danh-Tai Hoang and H. T. Diep
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 035103 (2014). 10.1088/0953-8984/26/3/035103.
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142. Effect of Disorder in the Frustrated Ising FCC Antiferromagnet: Phase Diagram and Stretched Exponential Relaxation
V.-Thanh Ngo, D.-Tien Hoang, H. T. Diep and I. A. Campbell
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143. Thermal Stability of Standalone Silicene Sheet
Virgile Bocchetti, H. T. Diep, H. Enriquez, H. Oughaddou and A. Kara
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 491, 012008 (2014). 10.1088/1742-6596/491/1/012008.
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144. Theory and Simulation of Magnetic Materials: Physics at Phase Frontiers
H. T. Diep, Virgile Bocchetti, Danh-Tai Hoang and V. Thanh Ngo
J. Phys.: Conf. Series 537, 012001 (2014). 10.1088/1742-6596/537/1/012001.
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La Poésie Vietnamienne
Hung T. Diep in "Vietnam Littéraire", Ed. Julie Assier and Christiane Chaulet Achour, CRTF, Diffusion Belles Lettres, Paris (2012)